Friday 23 November 2012

Film Reveiw


This weekend I watched a selection of movies as you do on a Sunday and focused on the way the camera is used to create specific effects which contribute to our hegemonic reading due to the mediation used.

I watched the final Twilight and was absolutely amazed by the way the camera is used to show specific aspects of situation to contribute to my opinion of the storyline. As it was a cinema trip I was sadly unable to watch it more than 10 times as I would have loved to, so instead I decided on focussing on other movies I enjoy:

Although I'm not a big fan of action movies I really enjoyed this film and thought the camera shots were used to help build up tention and make the fighting scenes alot more dramatic.
I focussed on certain scenes in the film that I thought were particularly important:

This clip starts with the camera on eyelevel with the character in the shot, the camera slowly closes in on her building up the tention for the upcoming fighting event. As soon as the action begings with her fighting it switches to jump cuts to emphasise the speed she is fightinng at. Jump cuts are crucial in a action movie as it helps generate the fast movement and also help show how much is going on at one time.

This clip is full of action yet still sticks to the 180 degree rule regrdless of its dramatic events, the takes are fairly long keeping the focus on the two characters in the shot although the use of speed ramping is present to emphasise the power and stength involved. Also there are various wide shots which shows there surroundings showing us the damage they are creating whilst fighting which also emphasises the stregth and power between them both.

This clip has a twist to it as the camera influences our predicted outcome to be totally different to the actual thing. The hulk appears to be extremely aggressive although the shot then transforms to slow mo calming things down then suddently camera then switches to the other character by looking up at him almost representing his power in the situation, he is then  taken out of the shot by the hulk pulling him to then beat him.


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